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Wednesday 21 December 2011

It's almost Christmas!

Yesterday was the last day of tests and today while the rest of the school were doing the rest of their exams we had our Christmas party in the library :) We did Kris Kindle and had loads of food (too much food, actually..) and made big bowls of hot chocolate :P Then we went bowling! I came last, of course - even with the bumpers and the ramp thing :'( Oh well... :D It was a good way to finish off before Christmas : )

Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas! Looking forward to Santy coming! ;D XoX

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Desert Flower

In religion we learned about the Millennium Development Goals. One goal our class focused on was gender equality, so we watched a movie about a Somalian woman named Waris Dirie who was forced to undergo female genital mutilation when she was a very young girl. She had to do loads of work and at the age of 12 she was getting an arranged marriage with a much older man. So in the middle of the night she ran away. She travelled for days in the heat with no food or water. Eventually she got to the city to meet her distant relatives, who sent her on a plane to England. She ended up in the Somalian embassy, where she was treated like a slave. A couple years later she got a job in a fast food restaurant and was spotted by a famous photographer. She soon became a well know model. She know is an advocate for other women like her and is working to stop female genital mutilation. We all made mood boards about the movie.. this is mine and Caoilfhionn's one... :L

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Eye Candy :)

For mini company, we are selling instant eye shadow called "Eye Candy". They come in all different colours and designs and I can't wait to start selling :D They will be €4.50 each and we are hoping to sell them this week!

We have a non-uniform day tomorrow and the Carol Service will be on this Friday. It also snowed today, but it doesn't look like it will stick :( So it's a good week!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Don Giovanni

Last Tuesday we went to an Opera called "Don Giovanni". It was a good day out - we got to have a look around the shops before it started. As for the actual opera... it wasn't the 'best' 4 hours of my life -.- Well, I was actually asleep for most of it, but what I did see was good! (just not for me). The singing was amazing though! ........

This Friday we're going to see a ballet! I'm looking forward to that, it should be great :D

Back from work experience!

So last week we got back to school after our week of work experience. I did mine in a boys primary school in Maynooth. I was in different classes every day, but I was mostly in with the junior infants :) I did things like art, PE and reading with them. It was fun, but so tiring! One time the junior infant teacher left the class and asked me to watch them. When I got there, they were killing each other! They were on top of each other with pencils and scissors and they were throwing books around the classroom! It took a lot of energy to calm them down... the teacher came back like 5 minutes later so I left as soon as I could! It was a really good week overall :)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Gender Equality

Yesterday in class we were learning about gender. Today, we did that some more. Mrs. L gave each of us a piece of paper. On it, it had the name of a girl and a bit about her life. We all lined up at the end of the hall. Then Mrs. L called out questions like "Can you go to school" or "Can you wear what you want" – stuff like that. If you thought that your character would reply yes to a question, you had to take a step forward. As more questions were called out, it was clear that there was a big gap in the middle of the hall. My character, Francoise, was a girl who lived in Paris and had a very good quality of life, so I was towards the front of the hall and answered "yes" to most of the questions. The girls who were on the same side of the hall as I was were those in the 1st world. Then at the back of the hall, those were part of the 3rd world. It was a good way to understand the differences in gender equality in different parts of the world.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Work Experience Next Week!

So next week we're all doing our first week of work experience! I'm really looking forward to it :) I'm going to St. Mary's BNS in Maynooth. On Friday we're having a meeting about it and we're going to have to keep a diary of next week too (:

Jewellery :D

We have a new teacher for art and for the next couple months we're going to be making a necklace to do with autumn. Today we made leaves using wires and papier mache, which was fun but my wire broke :( For homework we have to make a mood board for the necklace that we will be making :)

FINALLY finished the geography project (sort of..)

The geography project is due next class so I'm really happy we finally finished it! We thought it was due for Christmas, but then it got changed to straight after mid-term :/ It's really long.. we counted the pages and it's almost 80 pages long! It took ages and we still have to make a powerpoint for it. So we will have to transfer all that information onto powerpoint :/ fun..

Thursday 27 October 2011

History of Celbridge :)

Yesterday a man came in and he gave all of the TY's a talk about the history of Celbridge. He had a slideshow with loads of old pictures, it was interesting to see what it was like ages ago. I didn't know how much history Celbridge had until yesterday. He took questions at the end so we all found out loads about Celbridge :)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Juno and the Paycock :D

We're all going to Dublin tomorrow to see the play of Juno and the Paycock in the Abbey Theatre. We're going to a couple museums too - the Bog bodies and the Yeats' exhibition. We won't be back until like 5 o'clock, so we can get lunch in Grafton Street!

~lisa xo

Sunday 16 October 2011

EXTREMELY hot sauce :(

So today's blog action day, and the topic is food :P

Now this is probably my worst ever food experience :L Over summer when I was in Spain, we were in a chinese restaurant called 'the Wok Buffet', you can eat all you want for just €6!! They cook the food right in front of you, and you pick what sauce you want from like 8 different choices.

Since it was a buffet, me and my friend decided to try everything :D After about an hour, there was just one sauce left: the Thailandesa sauce. So we went up to the counter and asked for it :) The man looked all serious and said "it very hot!"
We just laughed and thought he was messing.. we soon found out that "hot" was a HUGE understatement.

When we got to the table with our food, the man was staring at us, we were a little freaked by that, so we tried a TINY piece of the sauce. My friend spat the piece out in some poor woman’s face and I had a big gulp of water then spat it all over the table because the water got spicy too D: My tongue was burning for days :'( The man even came over to us after with loads of ice-cream, which was nice.. but seriously, couldn't he have warned us more?!?!

And to top it all off, when I got home, I got some ice from the freezer to put on my tongue, and guess what? The ice got stuck to my already dead tongue... Surprisingly, there was no long-term damage done!

We're quite well known in that restaurant now :/

~lisa :) xo

Thursday 13 October 2011

Another mini company workshop! :)

We went to another workshop today, but this time it was in Newbridge :) our group got some good ideas for our product but we still can't think of a name :/ After we went to get something to eat :P I got banana ice cream, but it was gone off :( But still a good day! :D

Fodla didn't win?! :O

Yup, we didn't win :'( well done banba anyway! :D

Thursday 6 October 2011

Friendship week!! ;D

It's Friendship week so it's a busy week! :D We're watching a movie called Educating Essex in religion - it's about bullying. There's a few minutes left of it so now I really want to see the end :)
In mini-company there's loads to do :o We have to organise a lot and there's much more work involved than I thought :L We've been trying to contact a few places but it's hard to get them to reply >:/ it's still fun though :D We have another workshop for it next Wednesday, but I think it's in Newbridge this time (:

Tomorrow is the fun walk so I'm looking forward to that! TY's are yellow ;) (Fodla will win by the way... :P)

~ Lisa :) x

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Mini Company Workshop!

Last Thursday, we all went to Naas for a talk about mini-company. It was kind of in a theater and there were two other schools there too. The woman there gave us some good tips on how to start off a mini-company idea and also showed us some videos of people who made very successful products. We were home by lunch time, then we had photography, pilates and dancing, so twas a good day ;) x
~ Lisa

Sunday 18 September 2011

Carlingford (:

Well we went to Carlingford like a week ago.. :/ but better late than never :P

So we left super early (like 7am!) from the petrol station and we got to Carlingford in an hour or two. The journey over there wasn't as long as I thought it would be, but I was SO tired :o When we got there it was really windy, so windy that we couldn't do any of the water activities :( We all dumped our suitcases and bags and stuff into a room. It was clear that many people (including myself) seriously overpacked :L
We still did loadsa stuff there though. On the 1st day we were all separated into groups, so we did the same stuff but at different times. First we did group activities, they were mainly to do with how you communicate with other people. Like we went to this trailer yoke with a dark maze thing inside it and we had to find our way out D: scary stuff.. :L
Then it was lunch time after that (thank God, I was starving!). The food there was actually nice enough, we had chips and sausages for lunch :)
We then got into these army suits and went for a very long walk to a forest where we did laser shooting, which was really fun :D
When we got back to the centre, we got our rooms. They were really nice with a few bunk beds and an ensuite ;)
There was also a little room with a fireplace and a couple couches downstairs :)

The next day we did rock climbing, absailing and orienteering :D I liked the rock climbing, but the guy there dropped me by accident, so that wasn't great :L The orienteering.. wow. There was so much walking!! And we lost two people along the way (but they were fine in the end :P). But it was actually pretty fun :)Then we got our bags and got on the bus :'(
It was a fun 2 days :D
~ Lisa x

Thursday 8 September 2011

I like Thursdays! ;D

Well it's almost the end of week 2 of TY :'( Loving it so far <3 We do so much stuff on Thursdays :o we have PE, photography, pilates and dancing. But we missed PE today...
~Lisa (: x

Social Development Day (:

Tuesday was Fodla's Social Development Day with Austin Dunne. We were in the library for the day (: It started off with us pairing up and then asking eachother questions like our hobbies, achievements and an embarassing moment :L 
After that we all made posters of what we wanted to get out of the day. He talked alot about how different people perceive things and showed us some optical illusions. It was fun to see what different people saw in them ;)
Then we did this thing where we all picked 8 cards. There were 4 colours: red, yellow, blue and green. We had two of each card and they each had a different statement on it depending on what colour it was. We had to pass the cards around and collect the ones that describe us best :) The colour card we had the most was our personality type. I ended up with two of each card again, so I just went to the yellow group because I didn't know where else to go! In our groups, we had to make a plan out to save Christmas because the elves won't work :/ Our group came up with ideas like making the elves coffee, play Christmas music in the background and come up with elf of the month so the elves would want to work :D but we found out that elf of the month wouldn't work because there was 3 weeks 'til Christmas!
Overall, the day was really good and I think we all know eachother better now :)
~Lisa x

Thursday 1 September 2011

TY Blog

We all made our blogs this morning, so I suppose I’ll make a little post on what we did today!

So we had our first photography class today with Rob Love ;) Got some good tips on taking pictures!
Then we went to the 2nd year mall for pilates - it’s sort of like yoga. We had our own little mats ;D we were a bit smushed together but it was still really good :D
And after that we went to the library for dancing - it was so much fun, but the room was roasting :o we did the Charleston :L

It's been a good week so far, looking forward to Carlingford already! :)